Monday 13 October 2008

day 1 and 2

Yesterday was a tough introduction to the Kalahri.  The second leg of day 1 was in a gorge with not a breath of wind, the 40C reflecting back even hotter, with challenging terrain; boulders, leaping small crevasses etc, and the final leg all uphill.  One competitor I found under a tree saying the marathon des sables is for children. I know what he means.  The tough terrain suited me and I came in 4hrs 30; 5th I think.


Today, day 2, 36km, it was a furnance - 44C, not wind for much of the stage.  I suffered badly and had to take 45 min rest stop, dropping me back from 4th to about 8th, but we all came in fairly close.  I really felt terrible today.  The wind is like an oven door opening, and the water they give you is already boiling hot.  Tomorrow is supposed to be very hard indeed (lots of climbing etc), I am hoping for cooler temps or we are all in trouble.


Thanks for the messages. I hope they update the website soon.




P.O. Box 15487, Westmead, 3608, South Africa
Tel/Fax:  +27 (0)31 701 1814
Mobiles:  Estienne +27 (0)83 254 4824, Nadia +27 (0)83 309 7755,



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