Snow a week last Tuesday meant that I couldn't do my Tuesday speed session, so I just did a light workout indoors. There was still snow on Wednesday but because I was just running an easy pace workout I managed the 10k session with no problems. On the Thursday I did my 3 mile time trial and did it 12 seconds faster than the previous week, averaging 7:08 minute miles. On the Saturday in a change to my usual 10-5 mile run I did an 11 mile walk in the Peak District near Castleton taking in around 2700ft of ascent over Mam Tor along the Ridge to Lose Hill and down into Castleton.

It was a cold but otherwise lovely clear day and very enjoyable. I stopped for lunch in Castleton itself before finishing the last 4 miles by climbing steadily through Cave Dale.
Tuesday this week I did my 400M and 800M speed session on the treadmill at the gym, and then went straight into Yoga for an hour and a half afterwards. I suspect it will be months before my hamstrings are long enough that I can even touch my toes. I live in hope though!
On Wednesday I did a 10k trail run through apedale. It was below freezing and I ended up on my bum after hitting a glass-like patch of ground. I sat there feeling stupid for a few seconds and checking I was still in once piece before continuing. On Thursday I did my 3 mile time trial again and made quite an improvment. I did it in 6:59 minute miles (20:56 overall). I'm now happy to be back in sub 7 minute mile territory, and although I don't expect to make massive gains now I hope to still shave a few seconds off as the weeks go by. These sessions are definately key to improving my speed and overall fitness. The 400M and 800M work alone, don't seem to trigger enough of a response. On Saturday I was feeling too ill to run, so it was pointless flogging myself. Instead I ran 10 miles today at lunchtime (Monday) to make up for the missed long run. I ran with the intention of running it at average 7:45 minute mile pace, but found myself a little too comfortable at the half way point, so ended up running a negative split and pulling the average minute mile pace back to 7:33, with an overall time of 1:15:30. The route had 900ft of ascent, and I took along my data recorder. Map and results below. I ran this at about 90% effort.
I am booked in for a knee scan on Thursday this week to try and get to the bottom of my knee problems. My running is not being impacted over the distances I am running at the moment, but I am getting knee pain just walking or climbing stairs. I hope the scan will rule out a Meniscus tear, and just indicate some swelling in the Popliteus. I have had the same symtoms for 2 months and it is not getting any better. A scan is the only way to be sure. I'll update you with the results as soon as I get them.
Have a good week!
Great work on the time trials Rich, looks like you could go under 3:30 on a road marathon at this point (but who wants to run those?). The spped work is really paying dividends. I have just tried out the Montrail Streaks - if you like the NB840s, but want a bit more protection, these are worth a go. I think they will be my new "go to" shoe